
"成都美食" is one of the famous restaurant in Beijing,because it is so reasonable.
Here is a menu. You will find each of the meal does cost only 5-10RMB.

At "好伦哥" pizza type restaurant, you can take as much as you like just for 39.9RMB.

"永和大王" is also well known chain-sotre where you can enjoy reasonable meal.
15-25RMB will be enough to have set-menu.

"YOSHINOYA" の普及を横目に、ドンブリ系の店も増加中。
吉野家に対抗して、"国人快餐" 等と称して、自国企業であることがセールスポイント。

This is one of the typicall Muslim meal in Beijing.
It costs 2RMB per stick.

Korean food is also available.
Actually there are a lot of "韩国料理" in Beijing.

Of course you can find a MacDonald in the street.
英語、中国語、アラビア語、ヨーロッパ各国語等の十数カ国の言語 (日本語は除く) が記載されている。